Community Focus
This section is being developed as a quick list for local organizations that provide and promote activities. Our website has a "Calendar" for community activities and the local and state "Points of Interest" listing many places to visit. This is a work-in-progress and is subject to change daily.
Buzz the Beach - Bee in the know .. Link
American Legion Post 28 Events .. Link
Indian River Senior Center .. Link
Phase 7 Update - February 8th
Property Development:
All 96 properties in Phase 7 have been sold.
The Board and Common Grounds Committee continue to work through the "Punch List" of items requiring remedy with the developer Horsey. Currently, concrete work on curbs, aprons and raising manhole covers has been suspended pending weather conditions. Roadway top coat postponed until warmer weather.
A complete review of P7 property improvements and comparison with the Community database is underway. The focus is to ensure all property owners are in compliance with our governing documents and that all inprovements have been reviewed and approved by the Architectural Committee. Violations may be issued for non-compliance.